There are many definitions of worship, let’s take a look on some of them
1: Worship is a life style you live in the will of God, acknowledging God above all things …. Wandera
2: worship is the reverence… The recognition of God’s sovereignty… Tasha Cobbs
Knowing who God is helps you to value his sovereignty, when you can’t know him you can’t
value him
3: worship is not a slow song and praise is not a fast song, they are all worship and they are all
praise….jormairo D. manor
According to the above true definitions
Worship is a lifestyle you live in awe and in fear of God that recognizes and show God’s
sovereignty with knowledge, dominion and love towards everything around you
On the music side of it,
Songs are formed by words and so praises are words but what makes them worship is the out powering
of the heart and recognitions you give God that he is Lord, giving him more than a song.
So praise songs are worship whether faster or slow they have no difference
I also say that worship is not a slow song or melody and praise is not a faster song or melody, they are
all worship and they are all praise
A worshiper is every living that acknowledge and responds to God’s sovereignty with responsibilities to
do what they are assigned to do under God’s directions
Cheryl Fey
I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and the contents of this lesson.
I especially identified with
Jormairo D. Manor’s comment
about fast songs not praise and slow songs not worship. This was thought provoking.
Then Brother Wandera’s teaching that our life is worship.
Hello Cheryl thank you for your response towards this provoking yet true teachings
It’s an honor having met this wonderful group of people who truly have the seal for God through music. … especially having a heart of worship that is not limited in the rythms and lyrics of the song but also bestowed in action. I pray you keep up the spirit brethrens. Blessings.
Thank you my friend Mercy
God bless you